Nuzhat Al Khawatir Urdu Pdf Download |LINK|
Nuzhat Al Khawatir Urdu Pdf Download |LINK|
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Nuzhat Al Khawatir: A History of Indian Scholars by Allama Abdul Hai Lakhnawi
Nuzhat Al Khawatir is a famous book on the biographies of Indian Muslim scholars, written by Allama Abdul Hai Lakhnawi (d. 1923), a renowned scholar of Hadith and Fiqh. The book covers the lives and works of more than 4,000 scholars from the 7th century to the 19th century, spanning various fields of Islamic sciences such as Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Tasawwuf, Kalam, History, and Literature. The book is considered a valuable source of information on the intellectual and spiritual heritage of Indian Muslims.
The book was originally written in Arabic and later translated into Urdu by Maulana Abdul Qadir Siddiqui. The Urdu translation consists of eight volumes and is available online for free download. The book is also available in English translation by Maulana Muhammad Abdul Haq Ansari, who has added extensive notes and references to the original text.
If you are interested in learning more about the history and contributions of Indian Muslim scholars, you can download Nuzhat Al Khawatir Urdu Pdf from the link below:
Nuzhat Al Khawatir Urdu Pdf Download
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âAllamah âAbdul Hayy (rahimahullah) was a master of various Islamic sciences, especially Hadith and Fiqh. He was well-versed in the Hanafi school of thought and wrote many books to defend and explain its rulings. He also had a deep insight into the Quran and its sciences. He wrote commentaries on some parts of the Quran, such as Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Al-Kahf, and Surah Yasin. He also wrote a book on the principles of Tafsir, called Al-Manarul Munif.
âAllamah âAbdul Hayy (rahimahullah) was also a pious and devout Muslim who followed the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu âalayhi wa sallam) in every aspect of his life. He was known for his humility, generosity, sincerity, and piety. He used to fast regularly and spend his nights in worship and recitation of the Quran. He also had a strong love for the Ahlul Bayt (the family of Rasulullah sallallahu âalayhi wa sallam) and wrote a book on their virtues, called Nuzhatul Khawatir.
âAllamah âAbdul Hayy (rahimahullah) had many students who benefited from his knowledge and guidance. Some of his famous students were: âAllamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri, âAllamah Shabbir Ahmad âUthmani, âAllamah Zafar Ahmad âUthmani, âAllamah Muhammad Yusuf Binnori, and âAllamah Ashraf âAli Thanwi. He also had a close relationship with âAllamah Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and âAllamah Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi, the founders of the Deoband school of thought.
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Nuzhat Al Khawatir is a unique and valuable book that showcases the rich and diverse legacy of Indian Muslims. The book covers various aspects of their history, culture, literature, art, architecture, politics, and social services. The book also highlights the role of Indian Muslims in spreading Islam to other regions of the world, such as Southeast Asia, China, Africa, and Europe.
The author of Nuzhat Al Khawatir, âAllamah âAbdul Hayy (rahimahullah), spent more than 20 years in compiling this monumental work. He relied on various sources of information, such as books, manuscripts, inscriptions, coins, and oral reports. He also verified the authenticity and accuracy of his information by consulting other scholars and experts. He wrote the book in a clear and eloquent style, using both Arabic and Urdu languages.
Nuzhat Al Khawatir is not only a book of history, but also a book of guidance and inspiration. It introduces the reader to the noble personalities and achievements of Indian Muslims, who were the torchbearers of Islam and its civilization. It also motivates the reader to follow their footsteps and emulate their virtues. It is a book that every Muslim should read and benefit from.